Alvin Elizabeth Couple

Alvin and Elizabeth had us over to Singapore to photograph their wedding. But well before the actual day, we had the chance to create a small love story video about them and while we were at it, we kind of took the chance to steal some beautiful moment shots of the sweet couple. They had [...]
Eehan & Alishel

Eehan & Alishel are one of the cutest couples we’ve ever had at Design Bar Studio. This sweet couple treats each other with utmost affection and are deeply in love. The sun was setting and we were still searching for the perfect spot for this perfect couple. Finally, we were really lucky to have found [...]
Joewee & Ivy Simple Love

Joewee & Ivy is a couple whose love is so pure and beautiful. Photoshooting with them was much fun and they were both very cheerful people. We were not only blessed with the lovely weather but also glad to have known these two love birds who enjoys each other. We arrived at the Kuching old [...]
Edwin & Eeva Love Birds

The playful & very inquisitive nature of the love bird species best describes a couple that is active and being lovey-dovey together. This relatively common description for couples are easily blended together into the relationship that Edwin & Eeva has. Why call this album lovebirds you ask? Well, It’s because if love birds are kept [...]
Alvin & Claire Symmetrical Love

Symmetrical an imprecise sense of harmonious or aesthetically pleasing proportionality and balance; such that it reflects beauty or perfection. Loving each other is a perfect symmetry of life. Therefore, a balanced and healthy relationship should be symmetrical, like a mirror, reflecting your loved ones right back at you. Alvin and Claire’s symmetrical love story is [...]