Claire & Alvin Wedding

Claire and Alvin is a couple who is matched in heaven. One of the most adorable weddings we’ve ever been to. It was a simple wedding but the joy and laughter that came with it made the entire day go by so fast. While Alvin was a careful and outgoing person, Claire was a playful [...]
1st Birthday for ZiSin

It’s Zisin’s 1st birthday and she’s getting all princess’d up for her party. Everyone is getting ready to celebrate this adorable little angel’s birthday party with food and gifts. Although it’s a family party, but still it was a happy and fun day for everyone. Zisin had one of the most beautiful caked I’ve ever [...]
Caylee’s 1st Birthday

Another little girl turns one and this time it’s Caylee. It’s her 1st birthday party and Mommy & Daddy helped her throw a fantastic party and invited all of her little friends. There were cakes, balloons, presents, sweets and even a piñata! The piñata was self made by Caylee’s Mommy and it was designed after [...]
Alvin & Elizabeth’s Solemnization

This time our team had the opportunity to travel over to the island of Singapore for this shoot. Our plane ride to Singapore was very early in the morning. We had to take the cab to the Kuala Lumpur airport at 5am in the morning. Thank God we had some time for some close eye [...]
St. Anthony’s School Class 1971 Reunion

Sarikei’s St. Anthony’s School 1971 Class Reunion. Yes, it’s a very long name. But this explains one of the most special clients we’ve had so far. Have you ever thought what it would be like if you have not met your classmates for 40 years and reunited again one day? Honestly, it’s quite impossible for me [...]
MiRRORs Magazine Soft Launch

designBAR Studio was assigned to cover the MiRRORs magazine soft launch and MiRRORs ambassador search. The event was held in Mist Club, Kuala Lumpur. We met quite a bunch of celebrities such as Amber Chia, Winnie Loo, Carrie Lee, Gillian Hung and more! It was a rather exciting event. The pace was quite fast so [...]
Cian’s 1st birthday

Everyone’s 1st birthday is something that is widely celebrated. We went down to Singapore in an August morning, grabbing breakfast halfway and planning the shots for Cian’s important day. Cian’s mommy and daddy invited us down to his 1st birthday bash and it was really fun. All the kids playing with each other, the mommies [...]